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How to break a dog’s separation anxiety so you can finally leave the house

Understanding separation anxiety helps you and your nervous pup

Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson is a writer and photographer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Her work has been published in PawTracks and…
Is your dog’s breathing problems old age or something else? What to know
Signs to watch out for if your senior dog has respiratory issues
A gray-faced, old cocker spaniel smiles at the camera

It's hard to watch the beloved family dog get older. Often, advanced age is accompanied by new medical conditions, and it’s difficult for the untrained observer to determine what is a serious problem and what is simply a part of aging. You might notice an increase in dog breathing problems in old age, which can be especially tricky.

Is your senior pup just panting from the heat, or is something more sinister happening? Keep reading to learn more about the types of abnormal breathing to watch for, the causes of dogs' breathing problems in old age, and some tips for easing your pup’s troubles.

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How to make a dog poop quickly when dealing with constipation – at-home remedies
Safe and effective ways to help a dog beat constipation
A person in a black T-shirt and jeans walks a small white and brown dog on a path lined with tall plants with yellow flowers

Ah, the glamours of pet parenthood. Poop bags and potty training -- it all becomes a normal part of life, but what happens when your fur baby is battling a bout of constipation? More often than not, it resolves itself after a few days, but if it persists, you may want to step in to help your four-legged friend get things moving again.
It may be TMI, but it's sometimes necessary. There are plenty of foods that will have the desired effect, or you can opt for a gentle supplement, medication, or even lifestyle changes.
Here’s how to make a dog poop quickly — you know, under desperate circumstances. Good luck, and don’t forget the air freshener.

These are the ways to make a dog poop quickly — safely and from home
While some remedies are safe to try from home, others should be done only by a veterinary professional — don’t worry, we’ll specify which is which.

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Could it be a dog paw infection? Signs, symptoms, and treatments for these pesky, painful issues
Dog paw infection 101: How to avoid and treat this problem
Dog paws on a wood slab

It's hard not to relish daily walks with your dog. You both get fresh air and much-needed exercise, and seeing your dog explore and discover the world is oh-so-fun. Afterward, you and your pup might even engage in a cozy snuggle session on the couch. What could be better?
Dogs also walk in small amounts at home, whether during a play session or a trip to the backyard, and paw health is essential to keep them comfortable and walking. If one or more of your dog’s paws gets injured or infected, mobility can be tricky, painful, and sometimes impossible. As a pet parent, the last thing you want is to see your fur baby in pain. Injuries might be inevitable, but understanding the causes, signs, and treatment for a dog paw infection can ensure your pet gets the proper care as soon as possible. After all, early detection and treatment can prevent the condition from getting worse.
Here’s what you need to know.

What causes a dog paw infection? You can help your pup avoid paw discomfort if you know what to look for
As much as we'd like to give you an easy answer, several factors can contribute to a paw infection. Here are a few common ones.

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