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Is your fish tank for bettas too small? Here’s are the do’s and don’ts of betta care

Care tips to keep your new betta fish happy in the right size tank

While the betta craze may have died down a little, you still see many of these beautiful blue fish in homes and in stores. It’s true that they make great pets, even for a novice aquarist, since they don’t require an overly extensive tank setup and often prefer to be alone. But just because they work well for a newbie doesn’t mean you can dive in without any research. We’re here with what you need to know about betta fish care and fish tanks for bettas. Here are the do’s and don’ts for bettas.

A betta swims with plants in his tank
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What do I need to know about taking care of my betta fish?

Do research fish breeders

It all starts with the betta egg, and even the mom and dad. Just like with a puppy, you want to ensure your fishy has had a good life from hatching. There are tons of ethical breeders out there, but you can find some shady ones, too. In general, you want to avoid stores that have them crammed into tiny containers and cycled in and out every day. Do your research about local pet fish stores in your area or check out some of the more reputable ones online.

Make sure the bettas are being treated humanely and that your fish is healthy when you pick him up. You should be able to give your selected creature a bit of a once-over for any obvious signs of distress, such as dull scales, leaky eyes, or bloat. When you’ve found the right breeder and the right betta, it’s time to create his home with a proper betta fish tank setup.

Don’t get a small bowl

The ideal betta home is inspired by its native habitat. This fish actually hails from Thailand and has inhabited rice patties full of shallow water. So that means they just need a small tank, right? Wrong! While it’s true that these swimmers likely don’t want 30 gallons to themselves, don’t grab a tiny tank for your new friend.

Experts recommend at least 5 gallons for your animal and you might need a filter to boot. Make sure it has a gentle flow and you’ll still have to keep up with the usual cleaning. While your betta might survive in something smaller, you want to take the best care of your fish possible, so you should invest in a larger fish tank for bettas.

Do add a few companion animals

We’re going to tackle another myth while we’re at it: Bettas can live with other aquatic species. While you almost certainly should not put two bettas together (more on that in a minute), there’s no reason that you can’t add a different animal to this tank.

Lots of large and peaceful fish, like the Cory catfish, thrive in housing with bettas. You can also set your eye on non-fish aquarium dwellers, such as the aquatic frog. Since they won’t seem like a rival or prey to your little hunter, you shouldn’t have to worry about either one getting defensive. As always, when you introduce a new creature, do so carefully. And ensure you choose other species who want similar conditions to your fighting fish — who prefer warmer water.

Don’t put two bettas together

We mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating. Do not put two bettas in a tank! You’ll find a lot of gimmicky tanks out there that allow two bettas to share the same water but split the area with a divider. It might be fun to watch your swimmers flare at each other a few times, but it’s causing them stress!

You should also never place a male and female in the same habitat or anywhere near each other for the same reason (we’ll cover breeding later). There’s an exception to this, however. Female bettas can live in small groups of about four or five fish and enjoy the company (they would need a bigger tank though.)

Two female bettas swim in plants together
Arunee Rodloy/Shutterstock

Do provide stimulation

While you don’t want your pet to constantly be in “fight mode,” you should give him something to do with a few fun and interesting tank decorations. Bettas are extra enjoyable because they will interact with you. If you come upon the tank, your fish will likely flare at you, which means puffing out his gills. Over time, he’ll grow to recognize you and stop acting territorial. That’s when you can introduce some games, such as follow the finger or you can teach him to swim through a hoop. Even with these recreational activities, it’s best to keep your hands outside the tank both for cleanliness and safety.

Don’t breed your fish

You might be thinking, how can bettas reproduce if the males and females can’t stay together? It’s a complicated process, and unless you’re a betta expert, we really can’t recommend it. Betta males may turn violent to the much-smaller females and you could end up with an injured fish. Even when done properly, they share a tank for a very brief time (in the wild, the female leaves shortly after laying her egg and the male stays by to protect them). It’s best to leave this to the pros.

Bettas make excellent, fun, and beautiful pets, no matter how much experience you have. As long as you follow these tips and keep up with regular care, you’ll have a happy companion for up to five years.

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Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Do beardies like to go on walks?
Well, define walks. You won't be able to take your reptile out and do laps with him around the neighborhood. Make sure you only intend to go for a tiny outing and that you start really small. Truth be told, he'll probably just look around a little bit and then decide to go back inside where it's temperature and humidity-controlled and there's unlimited free food. But you may find that he looks forward to these short jaunts into his natural habitat. If that winds up being the case, you should continue them even though it's not the same as a "real" romp.
What type of harness does my bearded dragon need?
Especially at first, you'll need some way to secure your animal, and that's where the harness comes in. Just as you'd put your dog or cat on a leash attached to a collar, so too you need something to maintain control and keep track of your reptile. Don't go outside without something to keep him close by since it only takes seconds to lose track of your pet, who can get away quickly and go under or over things you can't. Some of these contraptions come in different sizes, and you can try a few out and see what works best for the both of you. Choose one specifically for this species, though — do not repurpose a mammal harness or try to make your own if he hasn't tried it out yet. You need him to stay secure for the entirety of your expedition.
How do I know if my beardie is comfortable?
You certainly want to ensure that the harness fits and that you aren't dragging him around, much as you would with any other pet. On top of that, though, check the temp outside before scheduling your journey. It needs to be extremely warm for him to do well outdoors. As in, well into the 80s preferably with a gentle sun beating down. Don't go out in the rain or cold as that does not match his natural habitat, which is often the desert and other warm climates. However, he also needs the opportunity for a cooldown at a moment's notice. Stay within reach of some shade as that will allow him to escape there as needed. Along these lines, keep the walks short to start, maybe five or 10 minutes until you adjust to his preference. 

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Neon tetra school swims in tank

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The easiest fish to take care of
Neon Tetras
These beauties are well known for being hardy and easy to bring into your aquarium. Carefully source your pet because you don't want to wind up with an illegal wild-caught animal. Instead, seek out one of the 1.5 million that are imported into the U.S. every month. A few good things about neon tetras: they're colorful, small, and social. You should keep a little school in a tank with other animals. Lastly, don't bring this tetra into a new tank since they won't do well while they're settling in (changes in things like pH and nitrates will hurt them).
These little janitors eat up the garbage that no one else wants, like algae and sometimes leftover food. Plus, it's not too difficult to care for them, but they do require a lot of space – at least a 20-gallon tank. Carefully select tankmates too since you don't want to introduce a large, predatory beasties to scare away this gentle creature. Lastly, and most fun of all, plecos want extra snacks and you can drop in a few veggies to satiate them. Try spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, and zucchini once or twice a week. 
Guppies come in all sorts of colors and sizes, allowing you to pick whatever type you want. You can mix them with other types of water-lovers or create one aquarium just for them. And you might need all the space you can get. This fish reproduces like bunnies and can fill a tank with their babies quickly. Get a big aquarium if you plan to allow this to happen or separate out males and females once they reach maturity (you can spot the boys because they have an extra fin on the bottom). Still, taking care of them will be a breeze and help you gain confidence in your skills. 
Another schooling fish, this excitable species prefers slightly cooler temperatures and so will work well for a newbie who hasn't graduated to heated tanks yet. They can even live with neon tetras to help get the tank ready. However, danios like to hang out at the surface and you should plan your setup accordingly. Keep a few tall and a few floating plants around for them to enjoy and hide in. While easy to care for, they're tricky to breed and you might not have much luck raising the babies. For best results, separate the fry right after they hatch. 
We're hesitant to even include this because goldfish really do need certain care to live happily and healthily. First off, don't bring home a fish you won in the fair if you actually want something that will last. Search out a good local store and examine the animals before bringing him into the fold. Secondly, don't be fooled by the small goldfish bowls. Remember, these guys can grow to six inches in length and need plenty of room to move about. They also really need a filter because this not-so-little fish produces lots and lots of waste. 

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