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Try one of these amazing reptiles for your first pet

Many reptiles make an excellent initial pet for anyone dipping their toe into pet ownership or for those who don’t want a furry commitment. But they also present some exciting challenges. While you might not expect it, these creatures can form attachments to us and will be affectionate and interested in their owners. But they’re a wide and varied animal group, and it can be difficult to select the right one for you.

What reptile should I get?

Regardless of which reptile you choose, the key is preparation. There’s no such thing as being too ready for your new housemate before you bring him home. Another key is to pick a reptile whose requirements aren’t too complicated, especially for a beginner. Here are the six most popular reptile pets that should make generally easy additions to your family.

Pet gecko stares at a mealworm


These little lizards top the list by being fun and generally easy to care for, as well as making great pets for kids. Your gecko will live up to 20 years, so you’re signing up for a big commitment by bringing him home. Even with a simple pet, you need to set him up well before he arrives. For the most common types, like the leopard gecko, that means readying his food and housing. Your lizard will eat mostly insects and needs to stay warm and moist. A heat lamp and mister are essentials for this fan favorite.


The somewhat forgotten cousin of the turtle can be a good fit for a first-time pet owner. While many turtles enjoy live prey like goldfish and mealworms, your tortoise eats only fruits and veggies. He’ll thrive on a healthy diet of kale and dandelion greens, and you can throw in some strawberry leaves for flavor (you can eat the fruit). Tortoises live a long time and can grow pretty big, so consider that before bringing home a young one. However, many older tortoises are available for adoption with lots of life and energy left — for a tortoise, that is.

Chameleon on branch in habitat
Martin Str/


Everyone knows the chameleon for their color-changing ways, but they have a number of other neat features (googly eyes, anyone?). Chams can be a little trickier to prepare for, so go this route only if you can build them a proper habitat. Once you’ve set him up for success, you’ll have a chill pet who enjoys his alone time. While he might not want to hang with other lizards, he’ll enjoy being occasionally taken out to spend time with you away from his home.


Colorful and energetic, the anole makes an ideal reptile for newbies. Like the chameleon, this guy can sometimes change colors, but his bright, decorative fans are really what attracts people to him. Before purchasing your anole, set up a 100-gallon tank with a warm, wet, and leafy habitat. You’ll need to maintain a certain heat and humidity over the anole’s life, which means you’ll have to buy a thermometer, heat lamp, and hygrometer (to measure humidity). While the males are more colorful, they also can aggressively defend their territory. Never put two males together. Instead, get a pair of females if you want double the fun.

Bearded dragon

Unlike the chameleon or anole, bearded dragons want hot and dry. When setting up his house, select a large enough tank (50 or so gallons) to include a warm spot and a cooler area. You’ll definitely need a heat lamp with a nearby rock for him to bask. It needs to reach 100 degrees in there for him to remain comfy. Include thermometers and a hygrometer in the tank to ensure he’s staying at the right temperature and humidity. Bearded dragons enjoy human company, so feel free to engage with him regularly.

Hand holding a pet snake
Karsten Paulick/


Okay, they can come off a little creepy sometimes, but snakes can make great pets for beginners. Do a little soul searching before purchasing one and make sure you have what it takes to properly handle your snake — and that everyone in the family is comfortable with it. You’ll have to feed the snake live or frozen prey (usually rodents) for her to thrive. Keep in mind too that snakes love to sneak out, and you should fully prep her cage in advance and monitor it closely for escape routes. Stick to the easier species like corn snakes and avoid the larger, trickier ones unless you have more experience.

As with any other animal purchase, you’ll want to select a reliable breeder with a known source. Ask questions to confirm your future pet was not wild-caught and check on his condition for noticeable signs of neglect. When you bring home a reptile, you’re setting yourself up for a long relationship. Many of these animals live for decades, so think through where he’ll go if you move on or your kids move out. Once you bond with your animal, though, we bet you’ll see the benefits of taking care of a reptile.

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Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Add rainbowfish to your tank – these beauties will brighten up any aquarium
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What are rainbow fish?
It's a bit of a catch-all term because there are at least 50 species that all fall under the rainbowfish umbrella. Some work better as pets than others, and you'll probably be looking at boesemani rainbowfish, turquoise rainbowfish, featherfin rainbowfish, or red neon rainbowfish. If you're adding to an existing tank, research carefully to ensure you only get ones that will make friends with your current animals.
What conditions do they need to live in?
These are all freshwater fish, but their exact temperature and pH balance needs vary depending on which species you bring home. You can use your existing tank specs to narrow it down or do the opposite — pick the prettiest fish and then build your ecosystem around it. One thing to note right away is that you shouldn't keep males together and no rainbowfish wants to live on its own because they like to school. Consider keeping a group of six females if you want to prevent expansion.

Why should you add them to your tank?
Here are four excellent reasons to keep rainbowfish as pets.
They look beautiful
You can find just about any gradient you want in a rainbowfish. Some incorporate many colors, more like a traditional rainbow, while others skew toward blue, such as the turquoise rainbowfish, or red, such as the aptly named red rainbowfish.
They get along with other fish
While you want them to have friends of their own species, they'll also do great with others. Female rainbowfish can sometimes live with female bettas if you want to create a color explosion. Otherwise consider catfish, gouramis, and loaches as tank mates.
They're good beginner fish
The care level of most rainbowfish sits at about the same as a neon tetra (in fact, they can live together). Make sure your tank stays clean and that you change and test the water frequently, but they don't have any specialty needs.
They live a long time
Many tank dwellers have short life spans, and rainbowfish won't be any different if not properly cared for. However, boesemani rainbowfish, in the right environment, regularly make it to 5 years and sometimes even t10 years!

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