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How to attract colorful birds to your yard in 5 easy steps

Birds in the yard so often complete the picture of a perfect home. Yet, it can be surprisingly difficult to bring them in if your lawn and trees are sparse (or filled with chattering squirrels). Welcoming these animals means meeting their needs for food, shelter, water, and nesting areas. Think about these aspects when designing a yard that will encourage the local flyers to choose your garden over any other spot. Here’s how to attract birds in five easy steps that will also make your backyard more attractive to you.

How do you attract birds quickly?

Once you’ve decided to get the birds into your neighborhood, you’ll want to begin picturing the whole space as a way to invite them in. That means thinking about the area from the perspective of an avian and knowing what will catch their attention.

A male and female cardinal visit a bird feeder
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Fill the feeder regularly

It can take a few days or weeks for the locals to deem your home the new watering hole. Once news spreads, though, you need to maintain your level of service or the customers won’t return. You’ll figure out how quickly to buy more seed and how often to make a trip out to your feeders in the first month or so. We suggest starting with weekly and checking in from there. Finding the right seed can take a minute as well. If you can, set up a few different feeder types with different seeds (plus sugar water for hummingbirds) to bring in a wider group. 

Two hummingbirds drink from a purple flower
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Plant bright colors

Bright colors mirror the foods that birds eat and the plumage of their mates. Therefore, many shades entice flocks into your yard. Select flowers that will not only look good but also smell and taste good to birds. Hummingbirds will dine from vibrantly flowered plants, and they’re not the only ones. Take it a step further and fill your garden with fruits, nuts, and seeds. You’ll see some animals stop by when the garden has flowered, and then new animals come around once the fruit ripens. Sunflowers make for a gorgeous array that will turn into a bird snack once the seeds become edible.  

Stick with native flora

There are so many reasons to plant native species, and we’re adding a big one: Local wildlife seeks out the foods and shelter they’ve evolved to eat. In addition to birds, butterflies, bees, and dragonflies home in on the bushes and trees that will best feed them. To do so, research your area and discover what plants have grown there for a long time, then find the spots in your yard where they will thrive. Many conservation events give out local seeds or even plants if you want to learn more and can find one near you. 

Bird eats red berries from a bush
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Keep your cat in

We love our cats, but the birds certainly don’t. It’s not just when he’s out, either, since the scent of feline will linger long after your four-legged pet returns to the comfort of your home. To little avians, he’s one of the fiercest predators, particularly as he can climb trees, which are supposed to be for the birds only. If you do occasionally bring your little tiger out, watch him carefully and keep him in an area far from bird feeders or flowering plants that they might frequent. Lastly, be extra conscientious in spring when babies who can’t fly away will be out and about. 

Remove bird deterrents

Birds don’t like certain sounds or reflective lights. Some deterrents work so well specifically because these singers recoil so sharply from things like bird tape. You probably don’t have that out if you’re trying to draw animals to you, but you might have other things that act similarly. Go outside in high wind and observe your yard, looking for things that make a lot of unnatural noise. Relocate any objects that could scare them off, especially around the bird feeder, like decorative owls, pinwheels, and streamers. 

Bird lands into a woman's outstretched hand in winter
Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

How do you attract a wild bird to you?

Once you have birds coming to your yard, you can attempt to get close to them. Go outside when the birds frequent your feeder and sit still nearby. They’ll spook at first but return once they understand you don’t intend any harm. Once they get used to you, bring out extra special treats and lead the birds to you, Hansel and Gretel style. Eventually, they may eat right out of your hands or on the seat next to you. Remember, always wash your hands after you come close to birds since they may carry pathogens like salmonella.

Even with all these steps, your feathered friends won’t show up immediately. It can take time to get your bushes to flower and even longer to produce fruit. In the meantime, put up a few extra accessories like bird boxes or baths that will go a long way toward creating the environment that birds love. Also, you’ll want to keep track of which birds you get and adjust to providing for their specific needs. Soon, you’ll have a full menagerie out your window. 

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Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Certain colors may scare your bird – these are the ones to avoid
Here are the right and wrong colors for your pet bird's mood
Scared parrot squawks

Have you noticed that your bird responds differently to different colors and might even be startled by certain shades? Birds across the globe come in all colors — it’s one of the delights of birdwatching. In the home, parakeets, parrots, and canaries are well known for their beautiful plumage, another appealing aspect of owning these pets. But nature has given our feathered friends an instinct to perceive particular bright colors as a threat and thus avoid them. With careful observation and a little planning, you can avoid upsetting your bird with specific hues.

Why are birds attracted to certain colors?
There are probably a few reasons birds seem attracted to certain colors. Many birds eat fruit and the nectar of flowers and are therefore inclined to the colors associated with them. That’s why hummingbirds and others go for the bright, beautiful flowers in our yards (or the feeders designed to mimic them). In addition, pretty feathers aren’t just attractive to you but are also intended to help birds procure mates. On the other hand, birds in the wild might display color patches as a warning, which may lead fellow birds to fear some colors.
What colors are birds afraid of?
Many bird owners swear that their bird is afraid of red, and there’s probably some truth to that. Just as we take red to mean caution, so too, do some birds, who may view it with trepidation. If your bird finds red scary, try to minimize its presence around your birdcage or play area. 

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Why do birds fly into windows? The truth is kind of sad
There's a lot you can do to keep neighborhood birds from flying into windows
Bird takes flight off a branch in slow motion

Watching birds from the windows is one of the many perks of living near wildlife: we can stay warm and gaze out on the flocks that frequent our feeders. But sadly, these windows that allow us to view the outdoors can harm the creatures in it. Animals experience the world differently from us, and they see differently, too. Therefore, it's important to take steps to make your windows visible to birds (and other fauna) in order to help spare them from unnecessary death or injury. But why do birds fly into windows? We'll explain what the problem is and also give you some advice on how to prevent it. With a few simple tricks, you'll still get to enjoy the bird show and keep them from getting hurt. 

Why do birds fly into windows?
Turn off the lights inside and go out during the early morning to look at your windows. You'll likely see a dim version of your own yard reflected back to you. While it only gives you a moment's pause, birds don't understand that a plant can show up in a piece of glass but not really be there. Unfortunately, this means when they fly into your windows, they're actually trying to get into the trees. That's because there's a wide-open sky in the panes of your home welcoming the avians of your area.

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Determined to raise backyard chickens? 6 essential things to do before you set up your coop
Three chickens eat while outside in their backyard

Urban chicken coops are trendy and rightfully so. With a group of hens you get fun pets plus eggs — how often does the family dog contribute after all? But you can't dive in on every Instagram trend, and this one, in particular, requires a pretty big upfront commitment mixed with a reasonable amount of upkeep, especially for beginners who have never owned so much as a parakeet. Just because it seems like a lot to handle, that doesn't mean you aren't cut out for poultry farming; many find it fun and rewarding. Before jumping into backyard chickens, think through these six things and determine if a flock of birds is really the right fit for you.

Look up local laws
Even if you see chickens roaming nearby, you'll want to thoroughly check up on the laws of your area, as well as any HOA regulations. You'd be surprised how many very specific rules might apply to setting up your little farm. Think about the coop itself, the rules for owning fowl, and the noise ordinances. Specifically, if you intend to have a rooster heading up your group as they can crow at decibels you wouldn't imagine and at hours you don't usually see.
Find your perfect spot
Next, scope out your yard and start planning. You need a large space for the coop itself (more on that in a minute) but that's not the whole picture. Since you started with a relatively small space to begin with (remember chickens often roam over many acres in a more rural habitat), you want both an indoor structure and an outdoor run. Altogether, you might need a sizable portion of the yard to accommodate them. If you plan to add other birds like ducks, you must calculate too where the pool will go and how they will access it.
Design your urban chicken coop
There are probably a few laws governing how big this can be, and you might need to apply for a permit, so you'll spend a decent amount of time in the design phase. Decide if you want to buy something pre-made or build a structure that perfectly fits into your yard. Either way, you should allocate about three square feet per chicken, so your building will get big quick, even if you want to start small. And that's just indoors. They need to be able to come out sometimes but still stay safely nearby.
Research breeds
Think all chickens are the same? Think again. Get ready to narrow it down from the 500 chicken breeds out there. The local climate will slim that as well as the available space, but you still have a bit of your own studying to do. And it's not just breed, you can impact what types of eggs you get based on what chicks you get (along with the food and environment).

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