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How to raise a pit bull to be friendly with other dogs

How do you react when you see someone with a pit bull walking toward you? Do you quickly cross the street or pass by and comment on how handsome the dog is? Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for pet parents with loving pit bulls to experience looks of disapproval or derogatory comments when walking their pets. Sadly, this breed remains misunderstood because of irresponsible owners, sensational news stories, and myths that spread easily online. Animal welfare group Best Friends Animal Society, a Utah-based animal sanctuary that has successfully rescued and rehabilitated thousands of pit bulls, describes the breed as “wonderful family dogs.” In fact, according to the American Temperament Test Society, pit bulls score higher on tests than many other popular breeds such as golden retrievers and border collies.

What exactly is a pit bull?

Animal advocates say that one of the most challenging conversations around pit bulls is defining the breed. The American pit bull terrier is a dog breed recognized by the United Kennel Club and the American Dog Breeders Association. And while the American Kennel Club (AKC) doesn’t recognize pit bulls as a breed, several AKC-recognized breeds do fall into the pit bull class when it comes to breed-specific legislation. Those include the American Staffordshire terrier, the Staffordshire bull terrier, and the English bull terrier. Leading animal advocates say there’s no evidence to suggest that breed-specific legislation makes communities safer. The problem of dog attacks won’t be solved by quick-fix breed-discrimination laws, say  ASPCA experts.  Instead, animal advocates believe that dangerous-dog laws should be breed-neutral and focus on the behavior of the individual dog and owner.

Three dogs playing in the water.

How to raise a pit bull to be friendly with other dogs

Whether you love or fear pit bull terriers, the truth is, they are loving members of families throughout the U.S. Some are couch potatoes, some are high-energy agile dogs, some work as therapy or service dogs, and all of them are loyal companions. Just as with any dog breed, the key to raising your pit bull to be a canine good citizen is being a responsible pet parent. Here are some tips on how to raise a pit bull to be friendly with other dogs.

Basic obedience begins at home

You can begin basic obedience training at home by teaching “sit,” “stay,” “down,” and to come when called. Pit bulls are fast learners and, just like other breeds, respond best to positive-reinforcement training. Because pit bulls are excellent at paying attention, they do well with clicker training, a method that uses a click sound to mark a wanted behavior followed by a treat.

Early socialization is essential

According to AKC behavioral experts, a puppy’s socialization experiences in his first three months of life will permanently shape his future personality and how he will react in his environment as an adult dog. By slowly exposing your puppy to a wide variety of people, places, and situations, you’ll be helping shape him into a happy, confident, and friendly dog.

Enroll in puppy socialization classes

Puppy socialization classes are a great way to introduce your puppy to other dogs in a safe environment. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior believes puppies should attend socialization classes as early as 7 to 8 weeks of age. The society’s guidelines recommend that puppies receive a minimum of one set of vaccines as well as deworming at least seven days before the first class.

Socializing an adult pit bull

It’s important to socialize your adult pit bull with other dogs at your dog’s comfort level. Introduce him carefully and slowly and make sure all play behavior is friendly and appropriate. Pit bull play can be exciting, so you should always supervise your dog and know when to interrupt and give him a chance to settle down. As with other breeds, older pit bulls might not be as tolerant of younger, more active dogs. It’s up to you to step in before the play gets too rough. If your older pit bull doesn’t enjoy being off-leash around strange dogs, training classes offer a wonderful opportunity for socializing with the help of a certified trainer. Learn to read your dog’s body language and never force him to interact with other dogs if it makes him uncomfortable.

Two pit bull dogs dressed in pajamas.
 Kelly Lacy/Pexels

Steer clear of public dog parks

Professional trainers tend to agree that public dog parks are not the best place to socialize dogs. While the majority of pet parents might be responsible and their dogs well trained, there are always a few who are not. Instead of going to the park, you can arrange smaller playgroups with well-mannered dogs who get along with your pit bull. And, of course, always supervise playtime so you can stop the fun if it gets too rowdy.

Remember that in addition to training and socialization, your pit bull needs between 35 and 45 minutes of vigorous daily exercise to keep him healthy and happy. You can provide mental stimulation by using a food-dispensing toy and by teaching him tricks. A calm, friendly, well-trained pit bull can serve as an ambassador and help fight prejudice and misconceptions about the breed.

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Vera Lawlor
Vera was the pet columnist for 201 Family magazine and has contributed pet and animal welfare articles to Bone-A-Fide Mutts…
Did you find worms in your dog’s poop? Here’s how to identify and treat them
Parasitic worms can cause real problems in pets — here's how to treat them and take care of your furry friend
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Keeping our dogs regular is a fundamental part of pet ownership and is usually pretty easy. Their food includes all the nutrients they need plus maybe a built-in probiotic to help maintain digestion. Sometimes, though, you'll suddenly find your pup has diarrhea, and you'll have to figure out exactly what's going on inside. While there are a number of different possible causes, it could be worms, which can turn serious and even into a life-threatening situation if left untreated.
What are parasitic worms?
When we're talking about worms here we don't mean the kind in your yard and we also aren't including heartworm and ringworm. The type that usually leads to vomiting and diarrhea are intestinal parasites, meaning they're living in your pup's gut. There are a bunch of different worms in dogs out there but the most common in dogs are hookworm, whipworm, tapeworm, and roundworm. Each can have slightly varied effects but likely all include problems with your pet's poop.
How do I know if my dog has worms?
Remember vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of a lot of issues in dogs, everything from eating something they shouldn't have to serious illnesses, like cancer. The best thing to do is call your vet. They will likely have you bring in a stool sample to test for parasites and possibly other conditions -- sometimes our animals catch a tummy bacteria from other dogs that's easy to treat with antibiotics.
Where do they catch worms?
Sadly, some puppies are born with them and that's when they're most fatal, too (particularly hookworms in dogs). In adulthood, your animal might get them from dirt, poop, a rodent, fleas, or another infected pet. It's best to test your pet before bringing them home or make sure the adoption agency or breeder has thoroughly ruled out worms in dog poop. Even then, you might include a fecal examination as part of a routine screening during their first checkup.
How do I go about identifying dog worms?
Some worms are easy to spot with the human eye, and if you notice something in Fido's poop, you should keep it for later and bring it to the vet. Otherwise, you won't always necessarily see the worms, but you'll notice the effects clearly. When you bring in a stool sample, the tests will determine the type of worm, which also can influence treatment.
How do I treat dog worms?
The best way to take care of worms is with preventatives. Check your heartworm or flea medicine to see if they already contain the right chemicals to keep them at bay. That way, the parasites never have a chance to take root inside your beastie at all. However, once the bugs set in, you might need an additional dewormer to get them out. Your vet will prescribe this, possibly over the course of many months.

We say this a lot, but the best defense is a good offense when it comes to worms in dogs. If you're already paying for preventatives, you can look around and see which ones kill the most worms. One note, cats and dogs sometimes do share parasites if they live in the same household. If you find that your pup has caught one of these, you'll need to look at your other pets, too.

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